Monday, February 7, 2011

Clean Your Minds With Simple Cleaning Tools...

I'm wondering if Jews for Jesus, which is a Greek call of Jewish origin, are aware in their mind what the mystery of Yoshua is about? I make me feel desarm, as a Jew, when I am force to admit that all those among you who believe the way you do, and it is truly a falsified germanic way of simple belief which don't inherit not a simpliest clue of what it is all about in Jewish affairs where Wisdom is God, where total knowledge of what is going on is the lesson to learn and ways to follow, and then.., to look at the mystery case which from the beginning is hebraic and jewish truth-telling evidence, naked truth right from the history roof, thanks to the Power of Words of God YHWH - Wisdom as Simple knowledge delivered by Jews to those who when able to read and comprehend can see and admit the facts of true life. All this treasure from those who alone provide the meat of life during all darkest history times, Jews, but not æpossible from the ind of beng you are or present as being the correct sort. DO YOU EVER DID READ CORRECT BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT THAT MATTERS; JESUS, A JEW WHO HAD MADE THE WORLD GOES ROUND THE SUN? If you are Jewish, who beliefs in a Jesus without comprehendig his naked jewishness, you have never ever comprehended what a name: Jew or Jews meant as a statue of Wisdom and Knowledge - the Only Might that rules the World of Human Beings... Being religious means nothig and is a big shit, while being a Master ruled by Reason in Mind means everything in a world developed and mastered by God whom Men created by His Means ae doomed to live and to be punished as long all the Words fits the planet Earth painted by Its Mastery.

Wake up you, who are simple.minded Jews, who thinks believe in Jesus, but are the most darkest of Jews, belongin rather to the most nastiest of the crazy and gentiles I rather call as the debils of their own simplicity out of the stupidity the mind of lack of true history knowledge always creates in the head with simple minds... Are you just that sort of Jews who had lose their true Jewish truth?