Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In Front Of The End...

Yes, what to do? What if you know you are ahead..? Yes, of all that is behind you. The environment you live in; the daily reality that hunt you and each & one; the war-ready acts fast-speeding up by insane religious fanaticism? What if you're unsure what will come first? The end or the ahead, the little advantage you so long have? before you are acting accordingly to what is not yet, but soon will be that? Here's the insecurity my mind do own: What if you know the danger is coming, your inner-life admit you're are as the one "Living In Front Of The End?" You know it by feeling it, and your inner-world never wrong; is "seeing it all by its prophetic gift it owns" - what tells you now all that. What then, what to do? How to react? How to escape, to survive, to get the rest of my living entire life? These are the worrying questions hunting my mind, chasing my soul, jiggling my spirit, entire me chocking, from bottom up.

More to follow...

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