Monday, September 7, 2009

True Heroes Of Israel !!!


Chana , June 11, 2009
If only the rest of the world could see this

This video should be broadcast on major TV channels so that the rest of the world can understand what Jews are about.

Ruth Housman , September 6, 2009
finding meaning in life

This is a beautiful man with a beautiful mission. He is blessed and the children and families he serves are blessed. When one throws one stone into the water the ripples keep moving out, Kindness is like this. Everyone is affected and it changes lives.

Israeli Children, Hungry, in a World Full of Hate & Inhumanity mixed with True Injustice & Lies & Old Fashion Anti-Semitism!

Think Human & Detach The Future! Donate to Hungry Jewish Children Living in a Land Given by & Made of God - ISRAEL!

more to follow...

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