Monday, February 7, 2011

Clean Your Minds With Simple Cleaning Tools...

I'm wondering if Jews for Jesus, which is a Greek call of Jewish origin, are aware in their mind what the mystery of Yoshua is about? I make me feel desarm, as a Jew, when I am force to admit that all those among you who believe the way you do, and it is truly a falsified germanic way of simple belief which don't inherit not a simpliest clue of what it is all about in Jewish affairs where Wisdom is God, where total knowledge of what is going on is the lesson to learn and ways to follow, and then.., to look at the mystery case which from the beginning is hebraic and jewish truth-telling evidence, naked truth right from the history roof, thanks to the Power of Words of God YHWH - Wisdom as Simple knowledge delivered by Jews to those who when able to read and comprehend can see and admit the facts of true life. All this treasure from those who alone provide the meat of life during all darkest history times, Jews, but not æpossible from the ind of beng you are or present as being the correct sort. DO YOU EVER DID READ CORRECT BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT THAT MATTERS; JESUS, A JEW WHO HAD MADE THE WORLD GOES ROUND THE SUN? If you are Jewish, who beliefs in a Jesus without comprehendig his naked jewishness, you have never ever comprehended what a name: Jew or Jews meant as a statue of Wisdom and Knowledge - the Only Might that rules the World of Human Beings... Being religious means nothig and is a big shit, while being a Master ruled by Reason in Mind means everything in a world developed and mastered by God whom Men created by His Means ae doomed to live and to be punished as long all the Words fits the planet Earth painted by Its Mastery.

Wake up you, who are simple.minded Jews, who thinks believe in Jesus, but are the most darkest of Jews, belongin rather to the most nastiest of the crazy and gentiles I rather call as the debils of their own simplicity out of the stupidity the mind of lack of true history knowledge always creates in the head with simple minds... Are you just that sort of Jews who had lose their true Jewish truth?

Monday, September 7, 2009

True Heroes Of Israel !!!


Chana , June 11, 2009
If only the rest of the world could see this

This video should be broadcast on major TV channels so that the rest of the world can understand what Jews are about.

Ruth Housman , September 6, 2009
finding meaning in life

This is a beautiful man with a beautiful mission. He is blessed and the children and families he serves are blessed. When one throws one stone into the water the ripples keep moving out, Kindness is like this. Everyone is affected and it changes lives.

Israeli Children, Hungry, in a World Full of Hate & Inhumanity mixed with True Injustice & Lies & Old Fashion Anti-Semitism!

Think Human & Detach The Future! Donate to Hungry Jewish Children Living in a Land Given by & Made of God - ISRAEL!

more to follow...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Names of millions of Holocaust victims salvaged

When Bill Connelly heard that the heirs of a collector of Jewish memorial books were cleaning out his library, he rushed to New York and fished dozens of the Yiddish-language volumes out of a municipal trash bin. With their lists of residents from long vanished European communities...

Deseret Morning News Names of millions of Holocaust victims salvaged

More to follow...

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Shining Lights Of True Blue Art...

Here no boundries in use when directed directly to fatalism Tough Spots of Lights were pointed at that body itself. Lot of questions from all, from everywhere, but the truth still the same and one only sort, as it is said when this Light throw itself down to make this consequence be forever intact.

kiefkos shining lights

Because to many folks things without knowing the fact, without knowledge and wisdom, not being able to touch the invisible acts, out of reach of catching the simplest flying light of truth, still never give up but proceed with their unreachable dreams, there are seriously problems everywhere in the faithful believers heads and minds.

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(c)2007 & Comments

Making The Mark With Tiny Signs Of May Be A Far Better Future Tomorrow...

Commented Submission in process

This let's hope shall be the true new humanly times from now on...

If Time can heal the Incredible Pain left everywhere where Time captured by Barbarism in Raign, then & then incl. the worse of murderous eager within that name, then it may seem to be possible from now on; If so, let then all humans hope that now it start properly as possible within the frames of Clear Humanitarian Norms; following the Best Human Thoughts of Goodness & Dignity ever made by human souls; by those to all who in the futures tomorrow live as true Humans & Men; as whatever sorts of folks they are, but in real & true daily life are behaving as true human kinds... Kola Finger - Nov. 07

More to follow...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In Front Of The End...

Yes, what to do? What if you know you are ahead..? Yes, of all that is behind you. The environment you live in; the daily reality that hunt you and each & one; the war-ready acts fast-speeding up by insane religious fanaticism? What if you're unsure what will come first? The end or the ahead, the little advantage you so long have? before you are acting accordingly to what is not yet, but soon will be that? Here's the insecurity my mind do own: What if you know the danger is coming, your inner-life admit you're are as the one "Living In Front Of The End?" You know it by feeling it, and your inner-world never wrong; is "seeing it all by its prophetic gift it owns" - what tells you now all that. What then, what to do? How to react? How to escape, to survive, to get the rest of my living entire life? These are the worrying questions hunting my mind, chasing my soul, jiggling my spirit, entire me chocking, from bottom up.

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Free Fresh World In Ideas Of Clear Words!

"Man should think, he should use all of his senses; he should examine; he should reason. The man who cannot think is less than a man; the man who will not think is a traitor to himself; the man who rears to think is superstition's slave."

Atheist Alliance International

It's bad for the head if foolishness occupies all its empty territories. (Kola Finger)

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